API Documentation

Beta Notice: This API is currently in beta. The documentation and API endpoints may change without prior notice until we reach a stable release.

This API allows you to capture screenshots and video recordings of web pages with customizable parameters.

Base URL


There are two types of API keys available for authentication:

Simple API Key

Basic authentication using only the API key:


Signed API Key

Enhanced security by signing requests. Requires both the API key and a signature:


Requirements for signed API keys:

Generating Signatures

To generate a valid signature:

  1. Create an HMAC-SHA256 hash of the remaining query string using your API key's secret
  2. Convert the hash to a hexadecimal string

Example (Node.js):

const crypto = require('crypto');

function generateSignature(queryString, secret) {
  const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret);
  return hmac.digest('hex');

// Example usage
const params = new URLSearchParams({
  key: 'your_api_key',
  url: '',
  type: 'image',
  format: 'png',
  width: '1920',
  height: '1080',
  cache_ttl: '3600'

const signature = generateSignature(params.toString(), 'your_api_secret');
params.append('signature', signature);

const finalUrl = `${baseUrl}?${params.toString()}`;

Note: The signature verification will check both the encoded and decoded query strings to handle URL encoding differences.

Core Parameters

urlstringYesThe URL of the webpage to capture (must be URL-encoded)
typestringYesType of capture: image or video
formatstringYesOutput format (see Format Options below)
widthnumberYesViewport width in pixels
heightnumber*Viewport height in pixels. Required if fullPage=false, ignored if fullPage=true
fullPagebooleanNoWhether to capture the full page length (default: false)
cache_ttlnumber**Cache duration in seconds (max: 30 days). Required for signed API keys

Format Options

Image Formats

Video Formats

Additional Parameters

durationnumberDuration in seconds for video capture (default: 1). Only applicable when type=video
waitUntilstringEvent to wait for before capture. Options:
- firstPaint: When the first pixel is painted by the browser
- firstContentfulPaint: When the first text, image, canvas, or SVG is painted
- firstImagePaint: When the first image element is painted
- firstMeaningfulPaintCandidate: When the browser first considers a meaningful paint might have occurred
- firstMeaningfulPaint (default): When the primary content of the page is visible
- DOMContentLoaded: When initial HTML is completely loaded and parsed
- load: When the whole page and all dependent resources (images, styles) are finished loading
- networkIdle: When there are no more than 0 network connections for at least 500ms
- networkAlmostIdle: When there are no more than 2 network connections for at least 500ms
userAgentstringCustom User-Agent string for the request
blockCookieDefaultbooleanWhether to block cookies by default (default: true)
blockFilterstringCustom filter rules using Adblock Plus / uBlock Origin syntax for blocking requests. See filter syntax documentation

Example Requests

Basic Screenshot


Full Page JPEG Screenshot with Caching


Signed API Key Request



The API returns:

Error Handling

The API will return appropriate HTTP status codes for different error scenarios:

Best Practices

  1. Always URL-encode the target URL
  2. Set appropriate viewport dimensions for your use case
  3. Consider using fullPage=true for capturing long web pages
  4. Adjust JPEG quality for better performance when high fidelity isn't required
  5. Use appropriate waitUntil events based on your needs:
    • firstMeaningfulPaint (default) for general captures
    • networkIdle for dynamic content
    • load for static content
  6. Set custom userAgent when needed to handle specific site requirements
  7. Enable caching with appropriate TTL for frequently accessed pages
  8. Use signed API keys for enhanced security in production environments

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues, have questions, or need additional features not covered here, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at We're here to help!